
What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?

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Do you need to see a dentist right away? Even when the condition seems controllable, seeking emergency dental care can occasionally yield better results than waiting. Here's how to determine whether it's an emergency.

Your mouth is a very vital part of your body, therefore it's alarming when something is off. Even though oral health issues frequently get better on their own, you occasionally need emergency attention. Over a million visits to emergency departments throughout the nation are due to dental problems every year.

Dental specialist Prathima Rasamsetty, DDS, sets aside time to assist clients who are dealing with dental problems. Here, we define a dental emergency in detail so that you know when to utilize this crucial service.

Mouth injuries

Mouth injuries can bleed, and the amount of blood may look excessive. This is a result of the blood and saliva mixing. It's crucial that you stop the bleeding so that your dentist can evaluate your injuries carefully.

Saltwater mouthwash can be used as soon as possible. After that, press on your wound for about 20 minutes with a gauze pad or an empty tea bag. Additionally, applying an ice pack to the outside of your mouth helps lessen pain and allow the bleeding to slow down.

Fractured or chipped teeth

Your teeth can become chipped or fractured in a variety of ways, and this is a fairly common dental emergency. Simply biting down on a piece of hard candy or another hard food can chip or break a tooth, much like taking a ball to the mouth during practice can.

You're likely to experience severe pain and be at risk for infection if the pulp or root of your tooth is exposed when it cracks or breaks. Delaying treatment increases the chance of tooth loss.

The best course of action is to keep the tooth fragments, if possible. These components might be useful in saving your tooth. You can use an ice pack and an over-the-counter painkiller to lessen swelling and soothe discomfort as you wait for your appointment.

Missing or broken teeth

When your tooth is knocked out, it is very frightening. It's normal to feel fearful, even if the tooth is only partially knocked out. But if you maintain your composure, we might be able to save your tooth. Take these actions:

  • Find your teeth, but avoid touching the root
  • Rinse the tooth with cold water
  • Call us immediately

If possible, place your tooth or teeth where they belong and retain them there until you get to our office. If you can’t put it back in, put it in a jar with milk and bring it with you. This is the next best option.

When dental work causes concern

With time, fillings and crowns may come loose or fall out. Make an appointment as soon as you can if you've lost a crown or filling or learned they are likely to fall out.

Avoid swallowing any crowns or fillings that are beginning to come free. Furthermore, if a crown does fall out and you discover it, take it with you. It might be used in the repair.

To hold your dental work in place and shield the exposed tooth, try using denture cream or even a tiny bit of toothpaste. Avoid using that side of your mouth to chew.

Abscesses and excruciating tooth pain

An infection can cause a painful toothache or an abscess. It’s crucial to come in right away if you have an abscess. The infection can grow. Until you can see Dr. Rasamsetty, rinse your mouth out several times with warm saltwater.

If you have a severe toothache, rinse your mouth clean with warm water and floss to ensure that no food crumbs are lodged between your teeth. As soon as you can, make an appointment.

When you suffer tooth pain, putting off treatment can make things worse. Without proper care, dental emergencies can potentially endanger your general health. Rely on the expertise and experience of Dr. Rasamsetty to keep your oral health in tip top shape. 

If you’re in the midst of a dental emergency, call us right away and book an appointment online at our office in San Antonio, Texas.